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Myanmar Photos Published In The Other Hundred Photo Book

September 29, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Richard Koh's photos on The Other Hundred website.SHAN, MYANMAR Sin Ko Ko Oo, 13, at the helm of his father’s long-tail boat on Shan state’s Inle Lake in central Myanmar. His father, tired after nearly a month of non-stop early morning work ferrying visitors around the lake for the Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda Festival, is dozing in the bow of the boat. Photographer: Richard Koh

Some of my photos of Myanmar (taken in 2012) have made it into a book entitled The Other Hundred. To me, The Other Hundred represents all those who are not in the limelight, those who are nobodies, some of whom are eking out a living, some of whom are living decent but simple lives and the tenacity of the human spirit. Often the chase is after those "on top" and the who's whos in common media. I am happy and honoured to be part of such a project to bring a balance to what people are exposed to in the media. After all, we will all end up at the same end. We all share the common diginity of being human. This is a good initiative to bring us back to the true richness and dignity of being human, without bling and glitz. I affirm and thank the organisers for such an endeavour and wish that The Other Hundred may bear much fruit-more than a hundredfold!


The Other Hundred is a unique photo-book project that aimed as a counterpoint to the Forbes 100 and other media rich lists by telling the stories of people around the world who are not rich but who deserve to be celebrated.

Its 100 photo-stories move beyond the stereotypes and clichés that fill so much of the world’s media to explore the lives of people whose aspirations and achievements are at least as noteworthy as any member of the world’s richest 1,000.

Selected from 11,000 images shot in 158 countries and submitted by nearly 1,500 photographers, The Other Hundred celebrates those who will never find themselves on the world’s rich lists or celebrity websites.

The Other Hundred is available for purchase at fine booksellers worldwide and on Amazon US and UK.

The Other Hundred book coverThe Other Hundred book cover



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